Monday, April 13, 2009

Getting Ready for Summer Driving

A large amount of people assume that it is more important to care for their car in the winter months, which is incorrect – although maintaining your car correctly in winter is vital, this level of attention applies all year round, not least in the heat of the summer. As the summer draws nearer, we find ourselves starting to think about stocking up with sun screen, some new cooler clothes and maybe a new pair of sunglasses. There is no doubting that many people prefer the summer months, even though in some states the heat is intense.
In hot weather, extra care must be taken before setting out on car journeys, no matter how long or short they are planned to be. Make sure your car is regularly serviced so the brakes, suspension can be checked and fixed if necessary; also make sure that the electric fan is in good working order as this can be really important in hot weather. Before setting out make sure that the levels under the hood are all ok. An automobile is far more likely to overheat if it is badly maintained, and the last thing anyone wants when out on the road at midday under the baking sun is for their car to break down! Other things that can help to prevent over heating include making sure you do not over load your car beyond its specified capacity; this also prevents unnecessary strain on the brakes and suspension. Heavy loading can also affect your brakes performance meaning it can take you longer to stop. It may be worth your while to listen out for highway traffic reports, avoiding queues is in the interest of you, your passengers and your car!
As well as preparing your vehicle for the summer trips, it’s important that you make sure you will be as comfortable as possible during a drive. Keep your air conditioning system in good working order. If you are going on a long journey take some water with you to drink and wear clothes that will help to keep you cooler. Just in case there turns out to be a traffic queue it may be worth your while taking some snacks with you. On most clear summer days there will be some sun glare, so wearing suitable sunglasses that prevent you having to experience discomfort, but that allow you to see clearly. If you do feel too hot or tired when on a journey, stop off in a safe place such as a diner, and have a break until you feel refreshed.
Long journeys in summer do not necessarily have to be uncomfortable and frustrating. Taking appropriate precautions to ensure you vehicle is in good working order, from air conditioning to brakes and tires, can help to prevent problems on the roads. If you’re off on a summer vacation or going to visit relatives don’t let your time off from work start off badly due to poor planning. Remember to take plenty of water and snacks along for the whole family. Have a safe journey wherever you are headed!

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